Saturday, March 14, 2009

Thoughts by Robin

The School Where I Learned to Speak

I followed my feet along the dirt road; they were all I could see. I kept my eyes down, refusing to look up and take in my surroundings. I heard my classmates' bubbly voices and smelled the stale dust, making my nose hairs tingle. Wrapped up in my own little world, I began to wonder how I was going to communicate with a school of young children who do not speak the same language I do.

My heart raced as we made our way to the tiny, rural school of El Hato, Guatemala. Each Traveling School girl followed the other into the main courtyard, where a blur of kids of all ages frantically ran around playing games. The colors captivated me and drew me into the scene. I timidly watched the swirl of energy flow around me. I notice some boys kicking around a worn out plastic ball and thought of my old elementary school where we had an endless amount of playground toys. The atmosphere here at the school felt comfortable, homey, and inviting. Teachers casually monitored their rambunctious students, and everyone had bright smiles stretched across their faces. I felt relaxed and reflective. My earliest memories of school recall uptight, strict teachers adhering to rigid schedules. Though I had only just arrived, these kids seemed happy to be here, in no rush to grow up.

The bravest girls in our group walked straight up to the kids and began excitedly playing games with them. In return, the young students swarmed them with smiles and positive energy. Others of us took a more timid approach. I felt I did not possess the confidence to strike up a conversation with these high-spirited kids.
Suddenly, I found myself standing alone in the middle of the courtyard. Embarrassed that I had not yet moved, I felt my lack of confidence was entirely too pathetic. I took deep breath and walked up to two comical boys playing fútbol (soccer).

¨Hola chicos. ¬¿Como están? ¨ I said in a shaky voice.

¨Bien, ¨ they laughed. The barrier was broken, we had already made a connection. A light went on inside of me and inspired me to dive into conversation with my new friends. After learning their names, I realized they were more interested in playing fútbol with me than entertaining my questions. I barely had the chance to kick the ball before I was mobbed by more kids.

A sea of smiling little heads bobbed around me. A few inquisitive children noticed the camera gangling from my wrist.

¨¿Puedo sacar un foto?¨ They squealed in unison as they grabbed my hand. I obligingly handed over my camera to a bashful little girl. As we walked over to some steps, she began rapidly snapping photos of everything around her.

¨¿Como te llamas?¨ I kneeled down and asked her.

¨Marysol, ¨ she said shyly. Curious to know more, I asked her how old she was, and how many siblings she had.

¨Tengo siete años, y tengo cuatro hermanos,¨ she answered. The more we talked, the more comfortable we grew with one another. Words continued to pour out of my mouth. My conjugations and tenses might have been a bit off, and my non-existent accent butchered a few words here and there; still, she did not seem to care. I realized she felt genuinely happy to share my company. I felt honored to be her new playmate. She was a kid, she did not judge me. She was not there to correct my pronunciation or make me feel inadequate as a Spanish speaker. To her, school meant fun and learning.

Learning a new language can be both challenging and entertaining. Yet in order to actually use a new language and truly learn it, you have to interact with new people. It can be awkward to wander outside your element of comfort and familiarity. Interacting with the children of El Hato not only improved my Spanish; it gave me a better understanding of people. I learned that if you put in the effort to authentically communicate with someone, they are most likely going to listen. By taking that first step, all you can do is get better.

I left my comfort zone in the U.S. exactly one month ago, and have since traveled through diverse areas of Guatemala and Mexico. With two and a half adventurous months left to go, I am enjoying every moment more and more as I shed my discomfort and bravely interact with the amazing individuals I meet along the way. I have sparked conversations with wise Alejandro, our raft guide down the peaceful Lancanja River; Mario, our humorous and good-natured shuttle van driver to Lanquin, Guatemala; Koky, our boisterous guide through the eerie bat caves; and flamboyant César, our energetic tour guide through the breath taking Mayan ruins of Tikal. Already having rapidly expanded my Spanish skills, I know I have much more to learn. I am now able to maintain conversations that flow without holding back what I want to say. Every day I look forward to who I will meet next and the inspiring conversation to come.

By: Robin

Hamacas y Pescado

She sifted her fingers through the sand as she nervously thought and wondered what she wanted to be when she grew up. Her gaze focused on her doodles in the sand. Thoughts scurried from her mind down to her wiggling toes. Her sun-kissed skin glowed as we casually sat together under a thatched-roof palapa. She rubbed her lips together and began to hum. Slowly lifting up her head she blurted,
¨A teacher.¨
Mandy is a twelve-year-old girl who lives in quaint, relaxed Chiquistepeque, Guatemala. This tiny town sits on edge of the vast Oceano Pacifico. It is made up of thatched-roof cabanas scattered along the shoreline. Palm trees sway in the wind as a cool breeze accompanies you throughout the day. In this mini-paradise lives a couple named Elfego and Anna. Elfego is a friendly local Guatemalan, and Anna is a kind-hearted woman from France. Together, the two of them have organized a project, Hamacas y Pescado, to benefit the children who live in this little fishing town.
¨We never meant to start the project, it just happened,¨ Anna tells me as we eat a delicious homemade dinner. Monday through Friday kids come to draw, read and play rombe cabezas (Puzzles). Anna and Elfego spend an hour and a half each weekday entertaining and teaching the kids. When lucky enough, tourists come, and some want to volunteer for the project. If so, after the little kids come and play, English classes are held for the older kids. This is where I met Mandy.
I approached her as she gossiped away with some friends.
¨¿Puedo hacer una intrevista contigo?¨
¨Ah, claro,¨ she responded shyly. While talking with her I learned that she was in the sixth grade and loves school.
¨My favorite class is math because I like to divide, but I like learning everything.¨ Knowing that after elementary school, education in Guatemala is not free, I asked if her parents paid for her education. She responded that only her mom does. Curious, I asked, why only her mom? Where was her dad?
¨En Los Estados Unidos, en California.¨ Her response further piqued my curiosity. We dove deeper into conversation. I asked her what her mother did for a living. To my surprise, I found out that she is not a typical Guatemalan woman, she is a pescadora (fisher woman). Everyday her mom wakes up early to fish, and then returns home to cook, clean, and look after her kids. Mandy, continuing to draw in the sand, assures me that she helps out a lot at home. After school she walks home and immediately begins her homework. She then proceeds to clean the house, and if she is available, will go to English class. She enthusiastically tells me how she loves the English classes.
¨I like to meet all the tourists that come, I like knowing someone not from here.¨ As our conversation began to end, I felt as if I had made a new friend, and that the proyecto (project)Elfego and Anna created has grown into a place where kids from all over town can come and interact with each other; forgetting about the economic disparities that may otherwise keep them separate. I am honored to have been a part of this project that is making such a difference in lives of Chiquistepeque's children.

A Dozen Personalities

Robin Bauman is a seventeen year old Junior enrolled at the Bosque School in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She is currently attending a spring semester with The Traveling School, an all girls high school study abroad program, which seeks to enrich the lives of young girls and broaden their worldview. This is the second of two articles she has written for her Travel Journalism class while traveling through Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, and Honduras for three and a half months with fifteen other students and four teachers.

The hot sand burns my feet as I sit patiently on the beach waiting for my turn to attempt the rolling waves of Punta Roca, El Salvador on a surfboard. Amused by the spectacle of my fellow classmates tumbling and rolling in the crashing waves, I smile to myself and reflect on the adventurous journey we have experienced together thus far . . .

This is the story of twelve teenage girls, picked from different states across the nation to live together in four foreign countries for three and half months. Though strangers at first, they were rapidly introduced to the reality of living comfortably with one another. This is what happens when typical high school is left behind and twelve brave teenage girls enter a world where they truly have to learn on the go. . .

We replaced our flimsy flip-flops for sturdy pairs of hiking boots. Our wardrobe consists of a couple of wrinkly shirts, to pairs of anywhere pants and a skirt to look polished on the go. Here, dressing up for a night out means finding the cleanest shirt you can, waking up at seven o´clock in the morning is considered sleeping in, and a five minute warm shower is considered a luxury. Each girl has adapted to living in a dorm room, or tent, crammed full of other girls, and everyone gets excited over the presence of testosterone. Meet the twelve, hard-core, diverse ladies of The Traveling School´s thirteenth semester. . .

Clarissa, determined to stand up, turned back into the waves, pushing her enormous board into the foaming surf, refusing to stop until she gets to her feet on a wave. This intelligent girl with an artistic style is from the sunny beach city of Santa Monica, California. She can always be picked out of the group by her unique laugh, mature perspective, and solid individualism. With her calming personality, dedication to learning, and heightened awareness of the world, she sets the bar high and the rest of us strive to reach it.

¨She´s really thoughtful and smart. She knows so much about the world and her place in it. It´s nice to talk to someone who is so sure of themselves, ¨ says classmate Anna H. from York, Maine.

Her arms flailing in the air, Anna H. never let go of her straight face and determination to ride the white foam sliding onto the shore. At age fifteen, she is the baby of the group, but one cannot tell her age due to her mature mentality. She challenges her fellow classmates with her deep and poetic thinking. Her courageous ability to recite and write poetry keeps the group inspired. Her artistic style is represented from the way she dresses to the way she writes and her welcoming presence and quirky comments make her a friend to everyone.

¨She is the type of person who knows her limits and knows what she is comfortable with, ¨ says McKenna from Seattle, Washington.

McKenna glides her hand into the water as she knee boards her way onto the shimmering black sand with a smile stretched across her face. At first this sweet-natured, reserved girl tended to hangout on the sidelines, but now she has grown to be strong and confident. She brings a peaceful energy that keeps everyone calm. With a kind heart that truly cares about the group, she is always there to give a sincere compliment.

¨She has blossomed into a butterfly, and will always be willing to try something new, ¨ says Charlotte, from Sherman, Connecticut.

Dancing on her board in the glittering sun Charlotte, nicknamed ¨Cheese,¨ is always able to find the fun in every situation. This peppy cheerleader has an endless amount of energy and is rarely seen in a bad mood. Her laugh is infamous among the rest of the girls, and her self confidence radiates in everything she attempts. The group would not be the same without her positivity.

¨It makes sense she is a cheerleader, she is always cheering everyone on and loves doing it, ¨ says Clarissa.

My eyes squint from the blazing sun´s glare as I scan the beach. Out in the distance I spot a girl pop up to her feet as she scrambles to keep balance on the board. My eyes finally recognize who it is. It is Anna W. from Scarborough, Maine. This athletic girl has incredible self motivation, and her uplifting attitude gets the group moving. She puts the group before herself and is known and loved for this act of kindness. Her adventurous spirit and natural athleticism makes her a key team player.

¨She is genuinely excited to try new things and enjoys every experience we have, ¨ says Elizabeth from Woodstock, Vermont.

Done with the annoying surfboard, Elizabeth, better known as Biz, lays on the beach soaking up the rays as her skin glows in the mid-day sun. She has the Italian feistiness of a Soprano. Her opinion is always appreciated, and her sarcastic comments and comical facial expressions make it impossible not to love her. She is the rock of the group, always there to give you valuable advice. Her knowledge and insightfulness helps guide us all on this hard life journey.

¨She has a very strong voice, and focuses her strength to help the group accomplish a goal, ¨ says Greta from Bozeman, Montana.

I watch Greta tumble off of her board for the twentieth time, amazed that she never let these consistent wipe-outs frustrate her. This tall, local music loving, pro-active citizen never fails to lend an ear to a friend in need. Her easy-going, non-judgmental personality is always accompanied by a genuine smile. She has the ability to keep the group relaxed with her level-headedness and stability.

¨I really admire how she fights for what she cares about. She is really sweet and caring towards everyone, ¨ boasts classmate Mallory from Charlotte, North Carolina.

Mallory effortlessly rides in on the end of a face wave, rocking the short board. Her ability to learn things fast makes her the best surfer in the group. She causes all of us to think critically and contemplate the deep thoughts and incredible insights she introduces. She is the thinker of the group, and people look up to her ability to learn and retain knowledge about everything around her. She has a mature, philosophical worldview, which makes it hard not to dive into conversation with her.

¨I can ask advice about anything, and I know I will get a thoughtful response full of wisdom, ¨ says Olivia from Belleview, Washington.

The water splashes Olivia´s face as she coasts in on her stomach. One can never forget her spunky attitude and ability to make everyone laugh. She is the entertainer of the group and her crazy, loud presence helps beat the dull moments. She is talented, outgoing, and easily gets along with everyone.

¨She loves to rap and sing, and always has fun ideas for the group, ¨ laughs Evelina from Florence, Italy.

She emerges from the surf dripping wet, smiling and sporting a bleeding cut on the bridge of her nose; a gift from the fin of her surfboard smashing into her face during a wipe-out. Evelina carries herself with a smooth European vibe. She is the life of the group, and everyone is entertained by her loud and goofy actions. Her humorous and loving personality always cheers people up. She is a magnet that all people are attracted to. The group admires her for her ability to make strong connections.

¨If you ever feel like being loud and want to do something crazy, go hang out with Evelina. She makes everything fun.¨ says Merritt from Asheville, North Carolina.

Merritt cruises into the beach gliding gracefully atop her board. This bubbly girl possesses a giggly attitude that is contagious. Her kindness towards the group makes everyone love her. She is the energizer, and has learned throughout this travel experience how much her worldview has changed. She has gained an incredible amount of awareness and has grown up a great deal.

¨Merritt will always be the first to run in the ocean or dance in the rain, ¨ laughs classmate Evelina.

I make up the twelfth player of this diverse team. I have a unique connection with each of these amazing women and see myself as the peacemaker of the group. Living together for three months we have become a big family of sisters. Although we love each other, we have to deal with travelers´ belly puke and foul moods on occasion, as well as the quarrels that come along with borrowing one another´s clothes and deciding who gets the top bunk. We have contradicting views and different ideas. Nevertheless, I can truly say I am honored to have spent three months living with this amazing group of girls. I have grown to love and appreciate everyone for the amazing individual they are.

The blood orange sun begins to set behind a glimmering Pacific ocean. I follow the sand footprints in front of me as we all head to the showers in a mob before another lovely dinner together. Clutching the surfboard tightly to my side, I quietly whisper to myself,

¨I could not ask for a better group of friends.¨


  1. I love it! An accurate portrayal of what it takes to communicate in another language . . . guts!! You wrap this up beautifully, Robin!

  2. Robin:
    It is so great to hear that you are beginning to understand the world that was your father's home. You will be able to share stories when you return with him and the beauty that this world has by meeting it's children. Dad has had similar experiences in remote villages in Venezuela and can truly relate to the same things. Enjoy your adventures!
